Lip Service Stepping out on one's relationship to find something you feel is missing is usually frowned upon, especially when "what you are missing" is sexual. In so many other needs we seldom have the emotional conflict with our partner. But, then, I'm not talking about eating lunch with my co-workers, or chatting with an on-line friend, or getting a lawn service to do the yard, or going to a football game with a friend, either, since none of those things are as fraught with peril as exchanging bodily fluids with someone who enjoys doing so with you. My story is actually pretty common-- a wife with priorities that didn't include my base, animalistic drives, leaving me feeling, well, neglected. You know, the kind of relationship that, whenever you hear your spouse say "I love you", you echo it, then ask "what's wrong?" or "what's on your mind?", all because you usually find out she wants you to do some work for her. This is the kind of relationship where I wonder why I bother to take my next breath. The kind of relationship where I actively avoid being around her. The kind of life that does not seem worth living, too. There are times when I wished I didn't have a "Y" chromosome and could be as sexless as my wife, but, then, I never did find cleaning the house, or having someone clean the house for me, or being able to complain about the behavior of my adult children a replacement for sex, much less a _good_ replacement for sex. It must be very different for someone who has a mind capable of ignoring the call of the gonads, so different I cannot imagine or empathize. In hindsight, it's likely that I *can't* understand. But, then, my wife can't empathize with *my* feelings on the matter... and suspect she's given up trying. Assuming she's ever tried. But, then, I'm probably editing my memories again, since I'm so seldom right in my recall. There is a point beyond which self-doubt becomes far more destructive than merely keeping one humble. The point where you'd doubt that anyone could ever want you, that, if you left your spouse, you would be alone. For the rest of your life. Oh, I spent some time using porn to keep my right hand in motion, making myself feel better, waiting for my wife to wake up and smell the semen. It wasn't that effective in keeping my urges at bay, however, since I craved connecting with a lover on an emotional level. Just the mechanical action, as good as it felt to keep my prostate drained, was not sustainable much longer. The point where you are certain that the only way to get a woman to look at you is by paying her to do so. So I decided to pay for some action. I did decide to go cheap, however. I limited the services I would pay for to oral sex. You know, blow jobs. I found them affordable. I'll tell you now that the first time is, well... It's hard to talk about this, but I felt like shit, after that first time. It was exciting, yes, but the post-blow letdown was difficult on me because I felt like all of the sexual contact I'd ever get for the rest of my life would have to be via a direct commercial transaction. The really odd thing is that I was ready the next week to do it again. So I did. The post-sexual letdown didn't go as deep as the first time. I thanked the girl better this time around. You know, it isn't easy being a part of the problem of prostitution rather than a part of the solution, but, hell, I had needs that my wife didn't see as important for her to pay attention to, which meant, by extension, that *I* wasn't worthy enough of her attentions. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm trying to justify my decision. Mind you, I wasn't alone. I wonder how my wife justified some of her choices, too, though that's just my excuse... which, to be honest, doesn't really excuse anything. If this was what it took for me to feel good, though, at least now some of my paycheck would directly benefit me. The rest of the money my wife handled didn't seem to be benefitting me excepting for the times I got the fall-out where she'd make a meal for a guest, friends, or her church group, and I'd get a serving. So, for once, I could now follow the money in this little commercial transaction and see where it did something for *me* and *my* feelings. My wife would call me selfish. Maybe she'd be right, but I was tired of feeling selfless. I suspect that there was some kind of balance here. I'd love to claim that there was some justice in this, too. But, then, I'm not sure I wouldn't be lying. Over time, and a desire to not visit the same area, I found different places and even tried out a club. What I didn't pay attention to was how close this club was to the local University. It was my third time in the club that I met Jan. Jan was different from the hookers I'd used before. For one thing, she was older, I figured somewhere in her early to mid twenties. We hit it off and went out to my minivan... I'd had somewhat more skilled hookers before Jan, though she seemed to adapt to me, and, by the time she had me spew my load into her mouth, none of the others were even in the ball park any more. I think the post blow-job letdown didn't happen because of how she looked at me when I came as our eyes met. Add to this how we talked a bit before we went back into the club and shared a drink and continued to talk. Before I left I made sure to get her pager number. The good news is that my wife doesn't pay much attention to me when I walk in, especially if she's in the middle-- or, worse, near the end-- of a TV program or movie. If she had I think the fact that I had a real bounce in my step for the first time in years would have been suspicious. Jan and I got together on a regular basis which, even though it was a commercial relationship, did wonders for me. In hindsight, she did more for me than my shrink ever did. Between her talking to me like a desirable human being *and* the way she looked into my eyes, I think I was falling for her. I saw all kinds of wonderful things reflected in her eyes. It is not easy to feel good about yourself when your sexual contact is directly paid for. Hell, even in marriage, sex may be a commercial transaction even though the currency is less recognizable by being laundered through non-monetary forms. But, something in Jan's eyes... Only she knew what she saw in *my* eyes. I'd be afraid to ask. All I could do is look at her face, my hard-on in her mouth, her lips curved around it, looking like she was happy and smiling, with me stroking her hair, cupping her cheek... and resisting the urge to pull her mouth down onto it. Well, time to change the subject a bit... I have spent a lot of my time avoiding depression. Work got more over-time from me, you see, even though I never saw a dime of it, being a salaried employee. Work got such a big share of my time because it was a good excuse to avoid spending too much time home with my wife. Yeah, I know, "too much time" is relative. Sometimes, even five minutes was too much time. I'll admit, though, there were times that twelve hours wasn't ENOUGH time to spend with her, but I'd find myself paying for it emotionally. Mind you, she blamed *me* for _her_ depression. Hell, I might *be* a part of her depression, after all, it felt like I wasn't good enough for her! So there I was, getting flashbacks of Jan's face looking, if not happy, somewhat pleased with her performance. This did put a quite a spring into my step. As a regular customer of Jan's, I enjoyed the times we got together. Many times it was a chance to talk to someone who seemed to be asking me useful questions to get me to talk about myself. I'm an idiot, right? I wasn't paying attention to the fact that talking was an anomalous behavior for a sex-worker. I ignored my prior experiences given how I met Jan and that she seemed to be more of an escort than street walker. Her rates were also higher, but, given how I felt after spending time with her, it was a vast improvement. When I first started looking for hookers it was on Friday afternoons. Before meeting Jan I'd switched to Mondays, when my wife would usually have her church group meeting. Jan and I started to have a light dinner together, talk, she would bring up the blow job, we'd do that, then wind back down by sitting and talking some more. Again, there were oddities that I was blind to. She was a bright young woman, actually older than her looks by five years, being almost thirty, but she didn't talk much about herself. Now realize that, at over 50, I am *no* Adonis. If I ever wore a speedo to the beach, the manufacturer would have me shot on sight, simply for showing how evil an eyesore the suit could enable. Likewise, Jan was a bit of an odd duck, body wise, with a pretty enough face, an almost flat chest and wide hips with a tiny butt and well muscled legs. I have to admit Jan's legs were attractive. Someday, I did dream, I'd have my face between 'em. So Jan's bodily accouterments weren't going to drag guys in like droves, but, when you got to talk to her, and look in her eyes... Her eyes were beautiful. When she is happy, or even pleased, they seemed to glow. I also didn't realize how much pleasure her mouth could give me, especially when it was only being used to talk to me. I got hooked on having conversations with her, a kind of aural sex that more than occasionally left me feeling better *not* being deep-throated. She was wonderful. Even when we didn't have sex... Clinton claimed that oral attention isn't sex. And, yeah, in some ways, he's right, but, in other ways, he was *way* wrong. Sometime talk is *better* than sex. In any case, Jan left me feeling better about myself than I had *ever* felt. As I've said before, she was better than a shrink, even though I couldn't charge her time against the insurance company, simply because she could help me find a semblance of balance and other things to feel good about. My wife isn't the only person who is blind to others, you know. I was blind, too. I didn't realize... Jan was a grad student, going for a Masters in Social Work. I was, I learned, one of her projects. One of four. And I had been so easily flattered that the idea of sharing her with other men never occurred to me. So I learned more of her history, being told that she'd been married, had a child, gotten divorced, then went back to school, so that she could get her degree, then a Masters, to get a good job to support herself and her child. She'd finally opened up to me about *her* life, right after she graduated. She did not need the extra money renting her mouth to any of us any longer... and I was suddenly lost. After seeing her for seven months I'd become dependant upon her smile, her happy eyes... I spent some time suffering in hell, feeling lost. I had no energy left over to even wonder if my wife noticed my distress. There is no doubt in my mind that God smiled on me while I was in the depths of despair, for, the next week she called *me* while I was at work. "Dinner?" I echoed, surprised at her suggestion. It was a shock since I felt the warmth run all the way through my body hearing her voice. I couldn't believe I could hurt by missing someone so terribly. "Yes," replied a voice that populated my dreams and fantasies. "The regular place? And time?" I asked, salivating. "No, take down this address..." and I was scribbling quickly to get an address. And a phone number, too. My feet didn't hurt that afternoon. I think I was floating several inches above the floor. I have no idea if any of my co-workers noticed or not... or cared. The address was an apartment. Her apartment. I damn near came in my pants to find her answering the door. It was a *huge* expression of trust that she'd let me know where she and her seven year old daughter lived. We spent time putting dinner together and amusing Kimmy, who had a much lighter color to her skin than her mom did, and I felt comfortable surrounded by both of them. I couldn't stay for long, of course, but ... I didn't want to leave. Before I got out the door Jan asked me "Next Monday?" I nodded. Damn right I'd be there. With Kimmy around there was no sex but the relief of seeing Jan again made any kind of sexual contact superfluous. Over the next two months, time flew by like a whirlwind. Kimmy got used to me and would cuddle on my lap and go to sleep. One evening changed everything. Kimmy was asleep in my lap and Jan sat next to me on the couch, her hand in mine, the CD player running in the background, when Jan told me that she wished we could have more. I smiled and pointed to Kimmy "I'd sure like to make some of these with you, you make wonderful children." Yeah, yeah, my paternal feelings had already kicked in. I'd raised two children from my wife's ex-husband and had given her one of my own, and, having come from a large family, I really had wanted more children. An odd impulse, no? Children aren't good for a marriage because one of the parents is likely to consider children far more important than the part of the relationship that made them possible. Unless both in a marriage have the same mind-set, one will resent the other for their divided loyalties. Even with my children as adults, my wife put more of her mind in being an active grandmother. It was while this ran through my head that Jan's phone rang. The look on her face when she answered it could have been used on a poster for a horror movie and she was shaky when she finally hung it back up, never speaking a word. If she'd had less color in her skin I think she would have turned white. The color faded enough that she didn't look comfortable. "Jack, that was your wife. She identified herself... and said that you need not bother coming home, especially since she changed all of the locks." It was my turn. Unlike Jan, I *could* turn white. You know, I'm not the suspicious sort, but my wife later made it clear that she'd hunted down the phone numbers that had called me in my cell phone and figured enough out... and had even followed me one Monday afternoon, to confirm that I was seeing someone else. Jan's female voice on the phone was the final confirmation, but, by that time, my wife Helen had gotten everything in motion. The irony of it all arose in the divorce process. Helen's attorney had apparently started out as sympathetic-- after all, *she* was a divorced woman, too-- but, in meetings, and the psych evaluations to prove that the marriage was irretrievably broken, pointed out that my wife "had better things to do" than to be there for her husband. It did not hurt me that our child together was an adult. Or that I had supported her and the older two children, putting them through school when her ex-husband did his damndest to not have two dimes to rub together. Dissolution of marriage proceedings aren't instant; there's a time period involved, and the main thrust is to ensure legal and financial disconnection of the parties in an equitable fashion. As husband and wife we had been emotionally disconnected for so long that there was less stress on me than I would have believed possible. If anything, it was a sense of relief. Oddly enough, I made out like a bandit, all by trying to be as reasonable as possible. Divorce law, I was told, doesn't exist to "punish" either partner. The judge we started out with, once he'd seen the paperwork, decided to pass us to a female judge, especially with the urging of my wife's attorney. Helen ended up getting only half of my income for two years, considered enough time for her to find a job that was self supporting. I was to keep her covered by my health insurance for that time period. She could petition for extensions. Oh, sure, she got half of the proceeds from the house. She came out ahead in the investments and savings, which I was not going to begrudge her. I kept the car that still had payments on it. Jan and I set up house-keeping together. Her work was going well as she was worked at the hospital associated with the University. When she had to work nights, I took care of Kimmy. By the time my divorce was finalized, Jan and I were fully involved as lovers and I even got to go down on her, finally. She tasted *wonderful*. Sixty-Nining was great, too, and we tried out all kinds of positions for "regular" sex. Jan was, if possible, my perfect partner. She was so easy to please, too. It was like my wife Helen wasn't even the same species. Don't let anyone kid you. Some emotional scars do not fade quickly. I was fortunate in that Jan made sure I didn't see her as another version of Helen. The nightmares faded. I got good cuddling. Jan was always a fragrant armful that just snuggling made me feel good. About a month after the divorce was final, Jan came home on a Friday from work and told me, as we cuddled on the couch, "I saw Helen today, at the hospital. She was pretty banged up, it looks like a case of domestic violence to me." That electrified me. Despite the divorce, Jan, Kimmy, I was still conditioned to try to protect Helen. Jan, surprising me, understood the feeling I had, and we went to visit her in the hospital, bringing Kimmy along, and I got to talk to her. I really can't laugh, of course, for that would enable *me* to suffer from uncomfortable ironies, but, it seemed, her new boyfriend had gotten upset with her disinterest in sex, taking it as direct rejection of *him*. He was locked up pending charges of attempted murder. Helen still didn't understand why the problem occurred. Jan tried to explain that there was substance to this and that there is no non-sexual prince who can kiss her and live happily ever after. When we left the hospital I told Jan: "When it comes to a sexually-based relationship, if you *have* to explain it, they won't understand." And I'm glad that Jan and I understand each other well enough. Sometimes she's not as hot as me, other times I'm not as hot as her... but the dry spells for either of us seldom last more than a couple of days. Heck, even when I'm at low ebb sexually, her lips... ...and my lips can be magic when _she_ is at low ebb.