From Sun Jan 19 22:58:18 1997 Newsgroups:, Subject: REPOST: Healing Jess pt2 From: (Rufus T. Firefly) Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 03:58:18 GMT Healing Jess Part 3 By: Liette Locking the bedroom door, Kevin leaned his forehead against the polished wood and drew a deep, shaky breath. God, he had such a raging hard on! It was all he could do not to ravish her on the spot. She was so beautiful! So absolutely adorable beyond words, all diapered and tied as she was. It had been a nagging little fantasy of his for some time and he was delighted with the opportunity to see it enacted. Though he knew how his petite auburn haired wife felt, that somehow made it all the more satisfying. She was in need of a little mental discomfort at the moment. Pulling back from the door, Kevin felt the demanding urges of his body recede immediately. The memory of the mental anguish she had already caused him was more effective than any cold shower. He turned and headed for the stairs intent on finding a calming glass of wine. Jessica might not have taken Marcus seriously, he thought, dimming the hallway lights and starting down, dismissing him with ridiculous offhandedness because of his choice of treatments, but Kevin had and had learned in the course of it that his determined little wife wasn't nearly as invulnerable as she believed. Though the ailment itself might not be overly threatening, despite its painful discomfort, by ignoring it, she had opened herself to the risk off all kinds of nasty side infections that might have caused her permanent injury, or far worse. Kevin's hand clenched around the smooth wood of the handrail, halting his descent. That thought was enough to weaken his knees. He adored Jessica, loved her more than life itself, and the thought of losing her, especially to something so preventable, was something he couldn't bear. He had felt that way about her since the moment he'd laid eyes on her. Standing on the dock at Lake Tahoe, watching the slim girl in cut off shorts balance precariously to wiggle her toes experimentally in the frigid water, he had thought her the most beautiful creature he had ever seen and had instantly feared for her safety. And he still did. He would repeat the events of tonight a million times if that's what it took to keep her safely by his side. But that wasn't enough, he thought, finally working his way back to his study, not for Jess. Sitting behind the desk he poured another glass of wine from the crystal decanter and leaned back to kick his feet up on the corner. He smiled to himself. He had kept his calm all the way through lunch at the country club, admirably so under the circumstances, all the while confidently pretending that Jessica had simply lacked the time to tell him all the details of her visit. Yes, he had assured after Marcus's genuinely concerned query, he was sure she had gotten all she would need, but since she could be so bashful about such things, maybe he wouldn't mind filling her husband in on just what exactly she was supposed to be doing. He had and after bidding his kindly old friend a fond farewell, Kevin had nearly killed himself racing to the art gallery she managed with the intent on dragging her home. It wasn't until he had nearly run off the road that he had begun to think clearly enough to realize he could come up with a much better plan. So he had stopped to call her, giving his excuses, made a few stops, and returned to their hilltop estate. "Jess, Jess, Jess," he murmured aloud. Trinity appeared to leap into his lap, hoping for attention. Kevin rubbed his silvery gray ears. "You're mama's quite a little minx," he informed the coddled animal. "Too stubborn for her own good. But I think we can do something to cure her of that." Indeed, Kevin Kenhill saw some definite changes for the near future. He and Jessica had a good relationship, wonderful in fact, but her negligence for her own welfare had brought more prominently to the surface his need to take care of her. He always had, subtly of course for the sake of her pride, but maybe it was time to be more direct about it, to show her openly how much he needed to make sure she was happy and safe. Still, such a change wouldn't come easily. He would have to instigate it carefully, testing the very limits of what she would be willing to accept. He had already made the first move tonight, with great success he felt, but had to proceed with caution. He couldn't risk driving her away, yet at the same time couldn't allow her to know that she herself had the power of controlling just how far he would go. A dilemma, a challenge, and one he pondered with an odd sense of excitement. He couldn't deny the fact that his feelings of protectiveness and her submission to them were terribly arousing. Proving that point, Trinity mewed annoyance at the growing hardness beneath him and retreated to the floor. Just as well, Kevin thought, setting his empty glass aside. He was hungry and still had work to do. The master bath was a mess and his wife was sure to be nearing the deepest part of her partially drug induced slumber. He would just grab a quick bite and then go see how she was doing. His appetite sated, Kevin Kenhill climbed the sweeping staircase and returned to the master bedroom. Entering quietly and relocking the door - a good habit to get into over the next few days - he went to his wife's side. Jessica was sleeping soundly. Her arms were tucked around the puffy pillow and she had managed to turn her body sideways, pulling her knees up as far as the leather straps would allow. Kevin wasn't particularly pleased to see the dried tears on her face, but felt that maybe such a release had done her some good. She had been so tense with worry lately, making her wince frequently at the pain it caused to her insides. But that was a thing of the past, he vowed, going to sit beside her and stroke her fine auburn hair. Then, unable to resist, he carefully peeled back the blanket and swept it to the end of the bed. God, she looked so cute like this! Curled on her side, her face sleep pinked, and her pampered bottom thrust slightly out. Like a little angle. His sleeping baby. Convinced that such a sight shouldn't be lost, he quickly went to his dresser and retrieved their polaroid camera. Turning the lights up a little higher, he circled the bed and snapped her from several angles. They often did this to each other, not only during lessons, and he already had a rather extensive collection of pictures of her. He tucked his newest prizes carefully in his shirt pocket to show her at a later date. Then, putting the camera away, he tucked the blanket back around her and went to tend to the bath. It wasn't much later that Kevin returned, carrying a brown paper bag from the drugstore under his arm, a glass of warm water, and several of the fluffy pink towels. He set the bag on the floor, the glass on the night stand, and the towels at the end of the bed. Then he untied his beautiful sleeping baby and rolled her to her back. Jessica didn't stir and, just be sure, Kevin patted her face a few times and called her name. No response. Pleased, he retied her arms, shortening the leads to restrict all but the most limited movement - no need to be incautious - and spread her legs. She shifted and he froze, but she stilled again almost immediately. Satisfied, he retied her legs, also on a short lead, and unfastened the diaper, taking a moment to trace the adorable little patterns. Smiling he pulled it away and, lifting her bottom, slid the towels beneath her, creating an absorbent barrier as well as raising her several inches for better access. She moved again, pulling the tethers and rolled her hips away. Frowning, Kevin realized he couldn't proceed if she was going to be restless. After a moment's consideration he rose again and went his closet. From their special "toy box" at the rear, he retrieved one of his favorites, a sturdy graphite composite spreader bar with duel leather cuffs and brass buckles. Back on the bed he put his wife back on her back and fastened the cuffs to her knees, the intervening rod keeping her flat. Then, he reached for the bag. From inside the brown crinkly paper, Kevin began to remove several objects. The first was a thin blue and pink capsule that he dropped to the side. That was for tomorrow. The next was a packet of stylish Lady Bic razors, followed by a can of feminine shaving gel, a bottle of baby lotion, and a squeeze container of talcum powder. Everything he would need. Touching the curly dark hair between her legs, Kevin shifted his gaze to his wife's peacefully unknowing face. Should he really be doing this? the question came. It wasn't as if they had never discussed it, or even decided on doing it, but always before one or the other of them had backed out. She really did have such pretty curls and though it wasn't permanent, it was still enduring and right now, done without her knowledge, would be pushing the limits of his rights with her. The spoken rule had always been that he could do anything he wanted that wouldn't have permanent effect, whether she liked it or not, but with the unspoken agreement that he would use good judgement. Eventually the debate swung in his favor, mostly because his throbbing manhood seemed to favor the idea considerably, and he pronounced to himself that he was well within his rights, and his reason. Happily, he squirted a dab of jell onto his palm and rubbed it into a rich lather. Relishing the feel, he smoothed it over her mound, between her thighs, and down around her exposed anus. After wiping his hands, he uncapped the first razor. Gritting his teeth against a final twinge of loss, he brought it to the edge of her hairline and made the first careful stroke downward. Lathered curls parted and gave, leaving a wake of pearly pink flesh. Kevin Kenhill nearly came on the spot. "Blessed Mary!" he groaned softly, painfully aware that he didn't dare risk running for a cold shower. Even in unconsciousness it seemed his wife was having revenge. He bite his lip and kept going. Stroke after stroke revealed more and more of her hidden beauty and Kevin blissfully, torturously, dwelled on each and every moment of it. He paused frequently to rinse the Bic with quick swishes in the warm water or to exchange it for a fresh one when it become too clogged or dull, but all too soon he was down to the fine curling wisps that tickled her puckered back entrance. Parting her cheeks, he gave them extra care, removing them almost reverently. This was a part of her he considered very special, especially after what he had revealed earlier. Kevin had always been aroused by anal manipulation, whether it was simple fondling or actual penetration. The truth was, he loved anal sex and had found by trial that it provided some his more memorable experiences. It was only out of the love he had for his wife that he had respected her wishes and never pursued that potential part of their relationship. Until tonight. Thinking of the enema he would soon be giving her had kept Kevin on the edge of arousal all afternoon. The thought of finally touching her, of probing her most guarded and forbidden depths, of filling her with the warm fluid, had driven him nearly crazy with desire. But it had been a desire threaded with guilt because he already knew what her reaction was likely to be. Jessica would hate every moment of it. Or so he had thought. When Kevin had noticed his wife moistening conspicuously during his initial probe to lubricate her, he had been surprised and then pleased. Perhaps she did share his eroticism, holding back only because of some preconceived notion, or experience. The latter, or more likely a combination of the two, he thought now, reliving the tell tale events. She hadn't wanted to admit her desires. It was only after he had captured and tapped them, mercilessly manipulating them, that she had given up denial and surrendered to pleasure. In an explosive orgasm that had left her shaking with pleasure, yet sadly withdrawn. He had noticed both, and her avoidance to acknowledge it, but took heart that she hadn't railed against him or retreated completely. She seemed more confused by her response than anything else and that gave him hope. Hope that he could coax her out completely, dash her fears and embarrassment, and bring them both to the point where they could share such experiences with equal pleasure. And he would do so, he decided, very soon, before she had time to rebuild and reinforce her defenses. Wiping away all remaining traces of curls and lather, Kevin made a mental note to call Frawling's again tomorrow, and reached for the baby oil. He rubbed it in quickly, not daring to linger over the sensual feel of her liberated pubis for fear that he would lose what little pride his hardened member had been willing to leave him. When noticed the unconscious sway of her hips in response to his ministrations, he hastily removed his hand to dash her with talcum. He could manipulate her again, he knew, bring her easily to orgasm, even as she slept, but to do so would break his own tenuous control. Besides, he would have further opportunities to indulge that particular pleasure later. The anticipation would only make it all the more enjoyable. Content now within in his own mind, Kevin replaced the diaper and removed the spreader from between her knees. He then unfastened her restraints and returned his sleeping wife to her original position, even curling her back on her side. She murmured softly and he bent and kissed her cheek. "Sleep well, Daddy's little angel," he purred, gathering all traces of the evidence. Healing Jess Part 4 By: Liette "Jessica." Jessica shifted away from the annoying pat on her cheek. It was Saturday wasn't it? What did Kevin want? He always respected her fondness for sleeping late on this particular day. "Come on, Jess," her husband insisted. "Daddy wants his baby to wake up now." Jessica groaned. She knew now. She remembered the events from the night before, the argument, the horrible treatment, her shameful.... The fact that she was still subject to her husbands whims. "Jess." It was more firm this time and she opened her eyes. Kevin, already dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt, was smiling down at her. It melted her heart. Surely such an adoring face couldn't be held at fault. "Morning, love," he greeted through a kiss. "Morning...." He raised an eyebrow. "...Daddy." She actually smiled. Tilting his head, her husband appraised her. "You're feeling better today, aren't you?" She was surprised to admit that she was. She felt relaxed and content and the usual twinges of discomfort and nausea were conspicuously absent. "I guess last night was enough," she offered, smiling innocently. "Nice try," he grinned back, not fooled for a minute. "If you had really listened to Marcus you would remember that there's supposed to be an immediate improvement. It doesn't mean you're cured." She had remembered, but hoped that he wouldn't. "But, Kev...." "You know better than that, baby," he warned. She realized he was referring now to her speaking openly without permission and using his name. She blinked a silent apology. "It's alright," he surprised her. "Actually, I was thinking that we could do away with that rule altogether. I want to hear you, Jess. You won't sway me, I assure you, but as long as you have something to say I want to know. If I don't like what I hear, or if your fussing too much," he added with a mischievous smirk. "Then I'll just use this." To her dismay he produced the ball gag briefly from his pocket. "So think carefully first, okay?" His rules, his choice. "All right," she agreed meekly, squirming to get more to her side where she could look up at him without twisting her neck. It was then that she noticed something odd. A strange rasping sensation beneath the horrible diaper she had been disappointed to discover she still wore. She couldn't reach very far, and didn't dare try, so she asked instead, "Can I go to the bathroom?" She would be free to investigate there. "Of course, baby. Go ahead. You're all set." He patted her diapered bottom. "Kevin!" she shrieked, horrified that he might actually mean for her to do so. "Calm down, Jess," he laughed, stroking her reddening face. "I was only teasing. I'll let you up, just as soon as we take care of business." "Business?" she moaned. What was he up to? "Marcus told me...," he began. And Jessica cringed at another reference to the quack, picturing him rising in Kevin's mind to an exalted position somewhere between Solomon and Confucius. "...that it might be helpful to keep a chart of your temperature, so I'm going to take that first." Fine, she thought, exercising new judgement on just when he was likely to shove the gag in her mouth. Her temperature seemed innocuous enough. But Jessica underestimated her husband's commitment to the roles they were still playing. When he returned from the bathroom it wasn't with the familiar black and white thermometer case, it was with a blue and pink pen shaped capsule and something else that he set near her legs before she could glimpse it. Curious, she watched him unscrew the new gadget and pull out a different thermometer, a bulbed glass rod with a little yellow duck's head at one end. A child's thermometer? She didn't register the significance even after he laughed at her when she opened her mouth to accept it. "That isn't quite what I had in mind," he said, eyes twinkling. Still she didn't understand, not until he slipped one hand under her to pull at the diaper tabs. A rectal thermometer?! She was appalled. Would it never end? Kevin knew how much she hated.... "Don't, please...." she started to beg, but Kevin patted the pocket with the gag and she buried her face in the pillow. She clenched up, but Kevin still parted her legs, by tightening the straps at the end of the bed, and then her cheeks, with gentle fingers. A moment later she heard a squish from what she now knew was the tube of K-Y and a cold dollop of it dropped on her anus. Her husband smoothed it around a little, then pressed his finger deep inside of her. It wasn't necessary, a small bit on the thermometer would have sufficed, but he seemed to take great pleasure in what he was doing now. She felt the unwanted stirring return and the sting of tears in her eyes, but, fortunately, Kevin was in a generous mood. He simply withdrew his finger without touching anywhere else and replaced it with the cold glass of the thermometer. Of course any excitement on her part would have shot her temperature up, negating the reading, but she was grateful nonetheless and eagerly returned his kisses while trying hard to ignore the intrusive instrument jutting from her backside. Once her temperature was read and recorded in a little green notebook, Kevin pulled the diaper back up without securing it and freed her completely to roll to her back while he curled the four straps together at the foot of the bed. He would be using them again no doubt. Jessica wanted to touch herself, the strange rasping worse than ever, but held on to her judgement. She waited. "Was is it, baby?" Kevin asked, coming to sit beside her and seeing her squirm against the propped pillow. "Nothing," she lied. He smiled and put his hand on the diaper, intensifying the odd sensation. "Nothing?" he prompted. "You can tell Daddy what's wrong." The way he was looking at her, flushed and innocent, said it all. "What's going on," she demanded in a worried whisper. "Something we've been talking about for a long time." "What? What do you mean? What have you done?" Alarmed she reached for his hand, determined to find out for herself, but he smacked her fingers and she jerked them back. "Patience, my love, is a virtue," he reminded cheerfully. Then, with all the flair of a magician, whisked the diaper out from under her and tossed it away, revealing.... "My God," Jessica breathed, staring in mouth gaping horror at her shaved and naked mound. She parted her legs, but there wasn't a curl in sight, just smooth naked folds. "Oh Kevin, why?" Tears welled in her eyes. She was so open, so exposed, all her soft concealing hair...! Purely from instinct she tried to flee from the sight, rolling away from him toward the opposite side of the bed. His hands gently pulled her back, holding her firmly, but she couldn't face him, shaking her head in denial, all too aware of the vulnerable feel of her naked skin against the sheet and insides of her buttocks and thighs. "Easy, baby. Come back here," Kevin murmured, pulling her into his arms. She cowered against him and he whispered in her ear. "Don't be upset, Jess, please. I didn't mean for you to be. We've wanted to do this for a long time, but never had the courage. I just took the initiative." No, it couldn't be! "Put it back!" she wailed, an absurd idea at best. "Put it back?" he repeated, bewildered. "Yes!" He pulled away and smiled kind amusement, but asked seriously, "Do you really want me to try?" The image of her husband bent over her, trying to replace her shorn ringlets, was so ridiculous she couldn't stifle a small tearful giggle. "Yes." "I could give it a shot," he said after due consideration, leaning her back against the pillow and running his hand down her stomach to caress her baldness. The feel of his fingers where she had never felt them before made Jessica shiver. This was how she had always imagined it would be. A light tickling touch that sent tiny shockwaves up and down and through her. "If you really want me to," Kevin added, eyes twinkling when she bit her lip and moaned. "Of course then I would have to postpone your shower." That thought perked her up immediately. He was already stirring her to passion and she knew from experience that when he chose to bathe her in the shower, he would turn it into the most wonderful love making session. The thought of the warm spray and soapy lather on her newly exposed skin, erased all her misgivings. She shook her head. "You don't want me too or you don't want a shower?" he teased, knowing full well what she meant. "I don't want you too." "You don't want me too...?" "Please, I don't want you to try," she begged, desperate and eager. "Please give me a shower, Daddy." He glowed at her spontaneous response and whisked her into her arms. "Daddy's little baby is so wonderful," he praised. "He's going to give her a shower she'll remember forever." In the bathroom, Kevin went to the oversized stall and started the water while Jessica accepted his offer to relieve herself. He was so thrilled that she wasn't upset over his shaving her, that he was fairly beside himself. As he had hoped, once she got over the initial shock, she had actually found she rather liked it. As much as he did. In fact, her hand had strayed so often as he walked her to the bathroom that he had finally had to tell her to stop touching herself, warning that he would know and punish her if she did so when she was alone. That was his job and he guarded it jealously. When Jessica rejoined him, he immediately pressed his hand between her legs and smiled. "You've been good." She glared at his presumption and started to step back, but he quickly reached around and smacked her bare buttocks. "Behave," he warned. "Or I'll give a sponge bath." He had done so in the past and knew it wasn't nearly as pleasant for her. She confirmed this by immediately erasing the scowl from her face. Kevin laughed and pushed her into the stall ahead of him, listening to her purr as the warm water caressed her body. Something he would soon be doing himself, he thought, shedding his clothes quickly and joining her. He was pleased with her this morning and intended to reward her, not to mention indulge, at long last, in his own much awaited, much needed, release. Moving in behind her, Kevin turned her so her back was to the spray and reached for the soap. She stood motionless, obedient, her face upturned, eyes shut, a small smile of anticipation on her lips. His already throbbing manhood jerked and hardened impossibly further. He wanted her so badly, needed her so much, he would have to work hard to maintain the necessary control to draw this out to its planned conclusion. At the moment that seemed all but impossible. Putting himself between her and the spray, he soaped his hands and drew them slowly down her shoulders, under her arms, and around to her breasts. He loved her breasts, not too large, not too small, and incredibly sensitive. She jumped when he found her nipples and leaned against him. He continued fondling her, rolling the rosy erect buds between his fingers and thumbs, while pressing and rubbing his hardened manhood against the cleft of her buttocks, as close to her forbidden entrance as he could get. Reflexively, Jessica reached behind her in a characteristic move he now recognized was an unconscious defense. Though he loved her caress, he couldn't allow it. Kevin pinched down just firmly enough to make her halt. She stood motionless again, but grew tense. "Trust me, baby," he whispered, backing off a bit until she relaxed again. That wasn't what he had in mind anyway, not so soon in his efforts. Kevin continued cupping and stroking her breasts, then slowly began to work his way downward. Though she attempted to guide him to her center immediately, he held off, trailing his fingers teasingly down her thighs. Only when she was panting with desire did he reach for the soap again and bring the fresh lather to her naked, beckoning mound. Jessica gasped at his touch, swaying her hips, so he lingered a while over the new and enticing feel of her before finally taking the initiative to begin his probe deeper. She was already wet and wanting, so he intentionally took his time, bathing her smooth lips with care and rolling her swollen protruding clit slowly between his fingers. When she began to shudder, on the verge of cumming, he pulled them away and laughed at her moan of disappointment. "Wait for Daddy," he whispered in her ear, running his tongue over the delicate curve of it. "There's my girl. Very soon now." She moaned again, beyond coherent speech and he felt the trembling in her knees. Gently, slowly, playing on her anticipation, he caressed her body one last time and turned her to face him. Bringing his lips to hers, he fastened them together, tongues dancing, and signaled with his hand that he was ready. She shifted and he grasped her waist and lifted, supporting her frail weight entirely, while her legs curled around his waist. Pushing her to the wall, he slowly lowered her onto his throbbing manhood. It was sheer ecstasy. Her warm folds welcomed him in, tightening around him, driving him nearly insane with shockwaves of pure pleasure. He could have done it then, taken her in one reeling, cataclysmic second, but he forced himself to wait, to hold off. He wanted her to share. He wanted to give her this priceless moment in a very special way. Jessica groaned, impatient, wanting him to start the slow undulating movements that would send her heaven. She nipped his neck and ears, prompting and begging. But Kevin had something else in mind. He backed from the wall and grasped her hips. She gasped, understanding, and loosened her legs to allow him to move her. Yes, he thought, but not for the reasons she suspected. Keeping her up with one arm, he ran his free hand over her soapy backside. Puzzled, she lapped at his ear, keening a query. Kevin responded by taking possession of her lips again. Her tongue wrestled his, conveying her need through sheer force. Yes, he thought again, and without warning plunged his finger, just the tip, up and into her unsuspecting bottom. "Aaaahhhhh!" Jessica jerked back, freeing her lips. "Easy, baby," he groaned coaxingly, spreading wet kisses over her cheeks and nose. "Easy. Only if you want me too. Do you want me too?" He took her lips again and felt her whimper behind them. She was frightened he knew, confused by her reaction to his unexpected intrusion, a reaction that was being conveyed to him unmistakably through the rippling waves that engulfed and excited his throbbing member. But she was also helpless. Helpless as he had intentionally made her. Helpless as she needed to be against the wants and needs of her body to release the full potential of her pleasure. "Do you?" he pressed hoarsely, close to loosing control. Still, he wouldn't proceed without her consent. He would still make love to her, yes, fulfil her, just not that way. "Jess?" he whispered desperately. She had to decide. Now. In the end he almost missed her answer, a slow trembling nod that betrayed her desire and her fear of it. And none too soon. The moment he started to move her, swaying her outward, seeking and supplying the euphoric friction they both needed, thrusting in and out of her, back and front, finger and member, Jessica threw her head back and screamed, a long terrible cry of sheer and utter ecstasy that was torn from the deepest depths of her rigid, convulsing frame. Kevin quickly joined her, adding his own exalted cry, as her strong muscles spasmed around him, clutching him, pulling him in, finger and member, combining with her primal cry to send him irretrievably over the final brink, past any hope of thought or reason. Purely the beast he clasped her tight, thrusting harder and deeper, time and again, until, finally, he swelled and burst, exploding forcefully, filling her gratefully, joyfully, totally, with his seed. Collapsing against the wall, Kevin held Jessica to him, cradling her like a child, and slid slowly to his knees while she buried her face in his neck and wept. "Jessica? Please, answer me." Kevin had recovered his complete senses to find his wife of four years huddled and unresponsive. Wrapped in a towel, she now sat shivering in his lap, her green eyes pressed tight and leaking tears. "Baby? Can you open your eyes for me?" She did and he breathed a sigh of relief. She was hearing him at least. But she looked so frightened, so lost. "Tell me how you feel, baby," he coaxed, aching that he might have gone too far, hurt her terribly with something she wasn't ready for. Her eyes raised slowly to his and he saw confusion where he had feared he would find accusation or shame. "I... I don't know," she choked weakly. "Come on, baby, you can tell Daddy." "I...." "Did it feel good? Before?" he helped softly, already knowing the answer, but also knowing that she needed to admit it, to him, and to herself. Her lip trembled. "Answer me, Jess. "You know it did," his adorable wife finally accused, blurting it out and pouting. "You knew it would. You planned it all along." Yes, he had, but he wouldn't parade his success. "Are you angry with me?" he asked instead. Though he was thrilled by her admission, indirect as it was, he still ached at the thought that she might not welcome or understand what he'd done as the gift it was meant to be. "Do I get to punish you if I say yes?" He smiled lovingly at her childlike response, the cold knot of fear melting away. "If you really mean it," he agreed. She didn't answer and he knew she couldn't because she wasn't. Satisfied, he decided to let it go at that. She had accepted his gift, tentatively perhaps, but wasn't quite sure yet what she was going to do with it. Not that he had any intention of letting her lock it away in some dusty corner of her mind, never again to see the light of day. He would, however, give her time to toy with its existence, alone and unmolested, before dragging it back out into the open again. Which would give him plenty of time to call Frawling's, he thought with a smile. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ My address has been altered to combat automatic SPAMING. Hint: There is no machine called DELETE_THIS at Get it? Rufus T. Firefly ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++