The Countess and the Caretaker - part twenty-seven The maid spent a frantic morning putting the finishing touches to the packing and then was allowed some time for her own preparations. She packed her own bits and pieces quite quickly and then spent the rest of her allotted time in removing every hair from her body. The Countess insisted she was completely smooth and hairless, and this was a routine she had to go through quite regularly. While she was in the middle of this task, she heard the telephone ring, heard the Countess answer and knowing she was not required, continued. Then after a few moments she heard the Countess dial out and vaguely wondered what was going on, but decided she would find out soon enough. When she was ready, and dressed in her travelling clothes, she presented herself to her Mistress. The Countess pronounced herself pleased with her appearance, and then told her to fetch the Caretaker. Confused by this, she nevertheless obeyed, and soon returned with him. His face was a picture of joy and hope, having spent a lonely and frustrating morning, wondering how he was going to cope for a month. He knelt in front of her, hoping for the best but fearing the worst. Before the Countess had time to explain why he had been summoned, the Chauffeur arrived to start collecting the suitcases, and she proceeded to supervise him in this task, leaving the Caretaker to stew in a terrible state of suspense. Eventually she returned, stood over him, and explained he was to go straight to his room and pack a few essential items. He could not believe what he was hearing, as she patiently explained that she had decided to take him with her. That she had arranged with his employers for a leave of absence, and that his job would be waiting for him when he returned. Tears welled up in his eyes as he gratefully kissed her feet, and promised he would do exactly as he was told and serve her to the best of his ability. What he did not know, was that the Countess' travelling companion had to drop out at the last moment, and it was only because of this fact that she had decided, on the spur of the moment, to arrange for him to be the replacement. No matter, he would be useful and would provide some interesting diversions for her as she continued with his training. Besides she had hundreds of rose bushes at the villa, and they would need someone to prune them all. She smiled to herself as she pictured him, totally naked, picking his way carefully between all the thorns and decided that everything had worked out for the best in the end. She gave him fifteen minutes, and told him to meet her in the car park. Then she settled in front of her dressing table, and began to brush her hair, her mind already plotting and planning the continued downfall of the Caretaker. She was definitely going to enjoy this holiday, yes indeed. She had already decided that he would continue to wear the chastity belt, and that being with her, instead of being alone, would be infinitely more frustrating for him. She would remove it only when he was in the garden, where she would strictly supervise him, facts which the Caretaker was blissfully unaware of as he threw his things into a case, ready to start his new adventure.