Educating Darren, Part When he awoke, Alistair was releasing him from the straps. "Madam told me to put all your things on the bed. She has also sent you some breakfast. More of the same I am afraid. I will wait here until you are ready to leave. Madam also says not to take too long or you will be late for work." Darren looked confused, he was not sure he was ready for the real world again just yet. "What day is it?" he asked as he rubbed his wrists absent mindedly. "Monday. Seven o'clock on Monday morning." Alistair replied. Darren walked slowly over towards the bed as he assimilated this information. He got dressed, drank a glass of water, picked up his tool bag and turned to face the now suited Alistair, who was also being sent off to work. "You've changed" said Darren, stating the obvious. "Yes," said Alistair. "I have to work too. If you will follow me I will show you the way out." When they reached the outside door Alistair paused as he was opening it. "Madam asked me to give you this copy of the video tape she made while you were here. She says it is not to keep you quiet, she does not think you will tell anybody about your experience anyway. But it is to remind you that she expects a hard days work from you every day until her house is finished." The blood ran from Darren's cheeks, as the realisation set in that she had taped every humiliating minute. He left the house still dazed and disorientated by the whole experience and with a strange sense of loss. As he started his motor bike he wondered when he would see her again. When he arrived at the site all the other lads were waiting for him. "Well?", they chorused almost simultaneously. He took off his crash helmet and hung it from the handle bars. Then he walked past them, strapped on his tool belt and climbed onto the roof to start work. They all stared at him, expecting him to regale them with all the details of his conquest at any minute, but he remained silent. Eventually they shrugged their shoulders and began to work too. A lot was achieved that morning, Darren putting in the effort of at least two men. Caroline turned up just before the lunch break to see what impact she had managed to achieve, and was more than pleased with the result. George came over to greet her, "I don't know what has got into them this morning", he said, "especially Darren. Did you have a word with him after he fixed your leak?" Caroline smiled, "You could say that!" she said and turned to walk back towards her car. When she reached it, Darren suddenly appeared to open the door for her. "My! my! Your manners have improved haven't they?" she said. "Yes Madam", he replied. "May I be allowed to see you again?" Caroline's triumph was complete. "We will see how hard you work this week. If I am pleased with the level of progress achieved I may find some use for you next weekend." She heard Darren say "Thank you, Madam" as she drove off. "I wonder what sort of a dog he would make?" she thought as she glanced back at her latest conquest in the rear view mirror.......