poem humor sf Oh, Jennifer Sue was a lovely lass, The pride of the Terran race, She piloted ships with the greatest of ease, And a singular glowing grace. Now R'dr'k was a muscular mel, And a handsome captain bold. He looked so trim with his tentacles groomed, And his gills glittered silver and gold! They loved in a bar out by Arcturus way; In a single fiery glance. They loved with a strength that has never been seen, Since Lancelot lost his chance. Yet happy this love tale never can be, These lovers are touched with doom. They never can live cheek to gill, face to face; R'dr'k's skin is now grey with gloom. Their problems are not of the typical sort, Biology matches with ease. What's distance to those who sweep through the stars? And neither is cursed with VD. But Jennifer Sue's a creature of night; She sleeps till Earth's moon is up high. And R'dr'k cannot wake till red V'n't is bright, Crimson sun casting light 'cross the sky. So grieve for the lovers so trapped by the light; Sing sadly of love gone astray. And give to the cause -- they're changing their brains, To accomodate each other's ways. They need money to give to the surgeons To smoothen the course of true love; Just think, you could help save a love that's as pure As any below or above. Send cash to the address given below, Care of Matthew McFaren McGee. Who is he? Just a friend, no one at all, Don't you fret. Send cash, quick as can be! Be generous with your resources; The universe pays you in kind, Good fortune in luck and money and love Will be yours (if you don't, you'll go blind!) So remember this song of true love, Of R'dr'k and sweet Jennifer Sue. Sing it to ten friends, and pass it along -- With true love, all dreams can come true!